Mental Health Programs: East Central Region (Camrose)
If you or a loved one are facing a mental illness, it’s important to know you are not alone.
Community Resource Centre Program
The Community Resource Centre Program provides opportunities for adult with mental illness in the Camrose Community to engage in activities and receive assistance to maintain social, physical, and emotional well being.
Employment Support Service
This program is intended for individuals over the age of 16 who wish to pursue employment and have severe and persistent mental illness or a developmental disability or a combination . In cooperation with Alberta Human Resources and Employment, Persons with Developmental Disabilities, and the East Central Health Region, the program provides:
- One-on-one counseling
- Assistance to develop resumes
- Conflict resolution skills training
- Job search skills training
- Child care sourcing
- Personal support network development
The program is based entirely on the individual’s wants and goals.
Individual Support Services
This program is for individuals over the age of 16 with severe and persistent mental illness who also have a developmental disability or a brain injury and wish to live more independently. Services include, but are not limited to:
- Assistance with locating accommodation
- Budget/income concerns
- Meal planning/shopping
- Personal care
- Skill training
- Community integration
Assertive Outreach Program
The Assertive Outreach Program is for individuals 16 years of age and over who are in immediate need and who may not be reached by existing mental health or community support services (or who are unaware of those that exist). Clients are offered one-on-one counseling, financial assistance, help in attaining medication, and basic needs such as clothing, food, shelter, and medical care. This is for people who may have “fallen through the cracks” because of difficulties following treatment or a diagnosis that makes accessing treatment a challenge.
Independent Living Supports Program (ILS)
This program assists individuals with severe and persistent mental illness to live independently and interdependently in the community. Individuals identify needs and interests and then develop a plan to address these areas; they also learn to advocate for themselves to remove barriers. Services are coordinated with other agencies and provide support and assistance to promote social, physical, and emotional well-being, while fostering self-determination.
Cooking with Class
This fun class provides instruction in basic cooking skills to those coping with a severe and persistent mental illness. Participants prepare simple meals while learning safety principles with kitchen utensils and equipment. Menu planning, food pricing, cooking in quantities, and meal appearance are also included. Participants cook two meals – one to eat and one to take home, twice a week. Improved shopping and cooking skills often lead to improved physical and mental health.
Residential Program
This program is for individuals over the age of eighteen with a severe and persistent mental illness. Individuals must be willing to work in cooperation with an Independent Living Skills Worker. Individuals must want to live in a shared living arrangement and be able to get along with others.
Speaker’s Group
The Speaker’s Group is a group of mental health consumers who, with help from an instructor, writes the story of their personal experience, reaction from family and friends, when and how they got help and how they are coping today. They are also given a mini Toastmaster’s training to help prepare them to speak in public. Their stories are mostly the emotional, not statistical, so audiences can understand and some relate to the speaker better. An evaluation form on the presentation, new information received and their reaction is handed out to each person that hears the story. The speaker is paid a $30.00 honorarium for each presentation and if it is out of town they receive mileage.